?percmobilepreview=true preview page blank

Running on ‘Version 4.5.5 Build 122014R19 (0)’. Every time I hit preview, sometimes it goes blank, like nothing on it. If I hit refresh few times, it will finally appear. If I remove ‘?percmobilepreview=true’, it just worked really well. I think this issue needed to be addressed. I’m running on Chrome (latest version) with no plugin and this affected on Safari, too.

Hello Aaron,

We have not seen this issue reported by other users - our team that works on our site use Macs, mostly with Chrome, and have not seen this issue.

Does the same behavior happen when Javascript is enabled vs disabled?

The first place to start might be to open Chrome’s Developer Tools and see if the Network or Console tabs report any errors when you experience this issue? Or, note the time these issues occur and send us your CM1 server.log to see if there are error messages here.

If you would like more assistance with this let us know - we can open a support ticket to get your specific details.

Ok that sounds good. I will let you know when I see this error again. It appeared again on our presentation this morning on different computer using Chrome.

Just created a ticket for you. Let me know if you received it. Thank you.

Hello, I am having this same issue in Internet Explorer 10. When we preview the page, it flashes for a second and then goes blank. If we remove the '?percmobilepreview=true’from the URL, the preview page loads with no problem. We have only noticed the issue in Internet Explorer. We are looking for a solution to this issue. I wanted to check the Percussion community before submitting a ticket.