Percussion Resources not compressed/minified?

In looking at the percussion resources included on our published pages I’m seeing some of them are not compressed!

i.e. superfish.js, hoverfish.js, perc-membership.js, jquery-ui-1.8.9.custom.css all show expanded format.

I’m pretty surprised that you guys are including non compressed external script files and external stylesheets.

Can you guys please compress these?

We do use gzip compression on our webserver, but even still, there’s no good excuse these days not to be optimizing external resources.


I agree that these should be compressed. We are looking at speed optimization as part of our 2014 roadmap. I will add this to our backlog for an upcoming release.

Sounds great! Thanks Dan.


did this enhancement sneak into a release yet?



We are addressing this in 4.0, which is due to be released next week (March 3).

awesome, can’t wait to check it out.

So is this fix out now? It still says in progress.

Hi John,

Good catch, this has been delivered in version 4.0. I have updated the status of this issue accordingly.


Any update on this? What about this Minifying Everything After Publishing and Reducing Requests