Permissions Listing / Access Report by User

I had a user ask me if I could get them a quick list of what folders they have access to. After manually looking at all the folders in our website (200+), I was able to make a list for him. It would be nice have a place that shows what all they have access to both in “Sites” and “Assets”. I would be nice to see it on the “Users” and when you select a particular user, you get a list of what they have access to.


Do you see this as an alternative to your previous idea of restricting the content displayed in the Finder so that users could only see the folders and files they have permissions for, or as do you see this as an addition to that feature? Your previous idea has been taken under consideration by our Product Management team, and I think it would go a long way towards achieving the main goal here. I’m curious what your thoughts are on this. In case other customers are interested, Matt’s previous idea that I’m referring to is this one: