Phantom Page

I have a webpage that is on our live server that should not be there:…

When I go in to CM1 to delete the page, it does not exist in the directory “galleries”.

We found this page because we have a page auto list which is linking to this page. Any ideas as to how I can get rid of it?

Hi Brian,

If the page is not in the “Galleries” folder in your finder window try running a full site publish This should solve your issue.

Let me know if that works.

Hi Armani,

This did not work. Interestingly enough, when I navigate to the phantom page on the live site, and then use the Percussion Linkback tool, it brings me to a different page inside of CM1.


Try this, create a page using the same “file name” as your phantom page and place the page in the same location that your phantom page appears to be located. Publish just that page, then “remove from site”.

Let me know if this works

Hi Armani,

This did end up working after some trial and error. I think the pages ended up appearing because we moved the section to an archived area of CM1, which we have designated as a place for content that should not be live, but we might reuse later, and then I think we archived after placing in this directory.

We have another page, though, and I’m not sure why this has occurred.

I renamed a page that had 2013 in the title and file name of 2013, both to 2014. Yet, 2013 still exists, even though 2014 now appears in the navigation.

Any idea as to why this would occur? One might expect that 2013 would get removed and replaced with 2014. You can see both pages here:



Hi Brain,

Your CM1 appears to be leaving in orphaned content. Before making changes to the file name of a page or moving a page in CM1 you should bring down the page from your site than make the changes.

Since the 2013 pages are still appearing they must still on your live site. You should recreate a page with same “file name” in the same location as the phantom pages > publish the pages > remove the pages from site. This should force CM1 to bring the page down from the live site.

FYI: Running a full site publish should solve this issue. If you just changed the name and then publish now the page it will not remove the old page from the live site till you run a full site publish.

If this works let me know