Please improve Form Widget

Regarding Form Widget, it’s pretty weak and somewhat extremely limited.  There’s no support  for input types (number, date, email, tel, url, etc.), file upload field, multi-page forms (page break field allows you to break up your form into multiple pages and even show progress bar that let’s your users know where they are in the process), and more. The email notification is not very helpful either. It’s all squashed up and you can’t break it down either.

I would suggest you to review your Form Widget and check out features from Gravity Form here: ****

Form Fields -
Conditional Logic -
Entry Management -
Notifications -

I also posted this idea about two years ago, nothing was implmented or updated. It was disappointing.

Thank you.


As always thanks for the great Feedback.  There are many services that specialize in Forms.  In addition to Gravity Forms that you mention, we have customers that also use Jot Forms, WoofuHubSpot, etc

Percussion is a CMS first and supports simple integration with any of the above services for a Customer that has more advanced Form requirements on their web sites.  We acknowledge that the Form widget is a good starter but not perfect for everyone’s needs.  

We do have some plans to make some minor improvements to the Forms widget,  but if you do have advanced requirements for your forms, we fully encourage you to take advantage of a 3rd party service that specializes in forms if they are more appropriate for your needs! 
