Pointing the active assembly to a coldfusion environment

Hi All,

We have a site that runs on a coldfusion environment. However, we are unable to preview the elements created using coldfusion in the content management system before publishing.

Is there any way to point the rhythmyx active assembly to the coldfusion environment (or any other environment)?

Thanks for your help.


You cannot “point” the Active Assembly environment to Cold Fusion. You can “publish” the item to a Staging environment and then send user’s browser there. The user will be looking at the Staging server, not Active Assembly. Is that what you are trying to do?

We want the CMS Preview be tied to ColdFusion server as well.

After CMS server assembles the to-be-previewed content item, does it send the result to a web server like Apache which then renders the page? If that is the case, all the CMS server has to do is to rename the assembled result page to append an extension of “.cfm”, by which the Apache server knows to forward to ColdFusion server for further processing

Not sure if this is something Percussion can add or is already there?

Thanks, -Hua