Populating FF Calendar template

I am trying to use the FF CalendarMonth template, but I can’t seem to get my slot to populate the calendar. The slot (“InsiderCalendarMarketwatch”) is bringing back the correct information, here is the query:

select rx:sys_contentid, rx:src_creation_date, jcr:path from rx:marketwatch where rx:src_creation_date >= :cal_start AND rx:src_creation_date <= :cal_end

The FF CalendarMonth template has the following code:

#initslot("InsiderCalendarMarketwatch" $slot_params)

I am not sure if the $month.setEvents($sys.currentslot.relresults) is being populated with my auto slot results. The FF template has this code to display the contents:

<td valign="top" width="14%">
    	      <p class="calnumbers">$day</p>
    	      #foreach ($event in $month.getEvents($day))
	      <p class="calcontent">$rx.doc.extractBody($event)</p>

Is there a way I can check to see what (if anything) is being stored in $month.setEvents($sys.currentslot.relresults)?
