Possible bug: Navon allowed to be copied "as link".

I looked through the known defects, and I didn’t see this issue, so I believe that this is an as of yet unreported bug Here is the process to re-create my issue:

The Setup:
Create a parent folder “A”, and underneath it, folders “B” and “C”. In my configuration (I believe this is default) all three of these folders should have received a navon as default. Furthermore, the navon located in folder A should have navons B and C automatically added to their nav_submenu slot.

The Bug:
Delete(purge) the navon from folder B, then copy the navon from folder C to folder B using “as link” option. At this point, previewing a generic landing page located in folder A will produce this error:

Problem assembling output for item: 5-101-994 with template: cltSnNavDescendantFolders exception: Navon node in too many folders: 1-101-10363 see log for stack trace

So obviously a user should not be permitted to copy a navon as a link, if there is a publish constraint that a navon only be allowed to exist in one folder. Upon inspection of the navon located in folder A, you will see that navon C is listed TWICE under the nav_submenu slot.

The Prestige:
right click on the navon item located in folder C and choose “Remove From Folder”… then return to folder A and view the contents of the nav_submenu slot. You will find that BOTH references to navon C have been removed.

How I stumbled upon this bug:
While copying content items (of a different type)from folder C into folder B, I realized that I had inadvertently copied a navon from folder C. I assumed that simply removing it from the folder would be fine, as I did not want a navon in folder B at all, and at this time I was unaware that the page would have failed to publish due to the error message above… so I removed the offending navon and proceeded as usual. It wasn’t until several weeks later that I noticed that the landing page in folder A lacked a link to the landing page in folder C as it should have had. I spent some time digging through the audit trail and revisions trying to find out what had happened, but couldn’t see any changes in the content since May of this year… so it gave me a bit of a scare. Ideally I would think that CMS would not allow a user to copy a navon as a link, but further, I would think that in removing ONE of those offending navons, that only one item would be removed from the parent folder’s nav_submenu slot, not both references.

Please let me know if you need any further information.




We designed Percussion CMS to be very open and flexible, which provides the user with a lot of power. One consequence of that design is that it can be easy to make mistakes (as you discovered). When I discussed your situation with members of the Percussion Development team, they pointed out that changing the system to prevent mistakes such as this one would reduce the openness and flexibility of the product.

You can modify the configuration of the system to prevent repeating the particular mistake you encountered. Change the configuration of the Copy Action Menu Entry, making it unavailable for the rffNavon Content Type. ’