Possible Issues Migrating from SQL 2000 to 2005 (among other things) ?

We’re running Rhythmyx ver. 6.5.2 Build 200710P01 and are currently using SQL 2000 as the database. We are now required to upgrade the db to SQL 2005.

We have a development installation that does not have all the current content, but it does have a few additional experimental templates and such.

The IT staff is starting a testbed set-up for me so I can see what issues (if any) will be caused by the SQL. But they copied the production version of the db to the testbed rather than copying the current version of the development db.

Can you anticipate any issues that might be caused by using the production db copy with the development set up? Our former Rx engineer, who no longer works here but will answer questions when he can, said:

You may also run into issues if there was the exact path hardcoded in anywhere on the server files (e.g. usr1/Rhythmyx vs usr4/Rhythmx) …

Thanks for any help you can give about either this specific issue or the idea of the SQL migration in general …

Search indices: If they’re on different paths between production and testbed. You’ll get an error message during start-up.
Content types: If the content type IDs differ between production and testbed. Cross-reference the CONTENTTYPES table CONTENTTYPEID field with the id attribute of the PSXApplication element in the various [INSTALLHOME]/ObjectStore/psx_ce*.xml descriptors. You should get errors on start-up indicating what content types to fix.
Templates in-line and within slot: If the template IDs differ between production and testbed. It’s pretty easy to fix what’s in the standard slots, but fixing the in-line template content would be a battle not worth fighting.

There are probably a few others, but those are the big ones.

As for the SQL upgrade, the only concern I can think of would be the Hibernate dialect. To clarify, I’m not saying there is an issue with that. Perhaps Percussion TS will have more to say on the subject.