Recently, I have been noticiing that I am getting lots of prepareForEdit exceptions. I am getting the exception like follows:
2009-11-06 00:17:46,652 INFO [STDOUT] com.percussion.webservices.PSErrorResultsException
2009-11-06 00:17:46,652 INFO [STDOUT] at com.percussion.webservices.content.impl.PSContentWs.prepareForEdit(Unknown Source)
The code looks like this:
List<IPSGuid> guidList = Collections.<IPSGuid> singletonList(pageGuid);
List<> statusList = cws.prepareForEdit(guidList);
List<PSCoreItem> items = cws.loadItems(guidList, false, false, false,false);
PSCoreItem pageItem = items.get(0);
Not sure what could be the problem