Preventing deleting entire Assets folders

It happened during our training session and we already lost one of the major asset folder. So I went in and create a demo folder to see if this will happen again, it did again. This really need to be fixed right away. We’re on 4.1.4 Build 201404R23 (0)

See attached. Hope this is clear.

Hi Aaron,

I tried recreating this issue and I noticed this only happens if you click on the X right after click on create a new folder icon. This is why the folder name is still highlighted for editing. If you are attempting to delete a folder you may have accidentally created you should click on the finder anywhere or hit enter to finish creating the folder before deleting it.

It looks like if you don’t the icons will apply the action to the parent folder.

I understand. I’m more concerned for users doing that. They may not be aware of that. That’s why we lost over 10+ folders with hundred of files total. Can’t have that mistake again.

You can ask Chris Burn - he have my video of exactly how it happened.

Thanks for your help Armani!

For those following this on the community, and to catch everyone up to speed. Aaron filled out a support ticket that we reviewed…

The way Percussion works is if a user creates a folder and before saving the folder goes to delete it, they are actually deleting the parent folder. This is because the folder doesn’t technically exist until it is named and the parent folder is the selected folder. This is why “the warning message tells you the name of the folder you are deleting”.

I think that Aaron makes a good point, and this might be a valuable feature request for the product. This would also be incredibly frustrating for an organization to find out one of their employee’s accidentally deleted the entire assets of the whole website!!

So until this is potentially addressed down the road, I think this situation really speaks to governance of the website, and creating a robust workflow. I believe this is paramount to maintaining any website regardless of size, and also to prevent any potential mishaps like this.

I also agree with Aaron and that anything that makes it easier to edit/work with the website I am absolutely for doing!!

“Thumbs up”!


Hi guys,

I had a user delete an assets folder as well. Is there any way from the server side to restore just this particular assets folder without doing a full website restore?

As a note, I have used lots of workflows to limit this from happening on a large scale (thank heavens for workflows! ), but I have one section, called “contact info” that I had to give everyone access to. In order to allow people to manage their own contact info, but to keep it all in a central place I had to open up access to this folder. I had a user delete a sub-folder of this today and now its looking like we have to manually rebuild about 50 assets =(

So we can’t always do it just with workflow management. A recycle bin or undo, or a way that admins could set it so only Admins can delete at the folder level or something would be great.

50 assets? That’s a nightmare. Sorry to hear that. I just created another idea and check this out. I welcome feedbacks/suggestions


Great point, I took a look at Aaron’s comment as well. These are great ideas, that I believe would really enhance the product for our users!

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This just happened to us today, an entire asset folder deleted by an editor under the same circumstances.  We have over 300 editors, so the potential for damage is omnipresent and catastrophic.  Please create a “recycling bin” or a way for editors to restore these folders.  Damage control is becoming quite costly.

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While we haven’t had the issue of deleting folders (yet), an “undo” button would be fantastic!

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