Previewing Past Revisions

Legal needs to get screen shots of all the previous revisions of content in a section of our website for the last two years. The only way to preview a previous revision that I see is to promote that version and then preview it. This is very cumbersome is there another way?

I think if you preview normally, then edit the URL of the preview page, specifically the number that is the value of the sys_revision parameter in the query string (after the question mark), it will show you previous revisions. This is on Rhythmyx 6.5.2.

I don’t know whether this would stand up to legal scrutiny though. For one thing, revisions in Rhythmyx may not have ever been published to your live web server, depending on how often you publish. For another, I assume there is no way for it to use the version of the templates that were in use at the same time as each old revision of the content. Hence if the current version of your templates do not include the code to display a field that you used to have in your templates, the contents of those fields will not be shown in the preview, even though they were published on your web site.


Have you tried the Internet Archive ?

Thanks, I’ll see if Legal will accept it. We also have backups but I was trying not to have to go to Iron Mountain unless we had to.