Primary Navigation

I have been through numerous threads on these boards about this subject, and I just can’t get anything to work. Here is my setup:

The root of our website contains our home page, as well as many of our main category pages. However, two of our main categories reside in their own folder. Here is a basic outline


So what I am trying to do is create a menu that has links to all of the html pages.

I have navons in the about and training folders, and a navtree in the root. The navtree has the root index.html as the landing page, and it added the navons in the other folders. I went ahead and added the other pages to the navon section of the navtree, and while that is working in displaying those titles, it does not create links for them.

So how do I accomplish this? I have tried some of the options I have seen via a search on the board, but nothing seems to be working correctly. Any help will be appreciated.

Some new code and ideas at might be helpful to you, as they’re generating a sitemap of all their files.