Problem finding the navon

I implement navigation in our dev environment and it work fine. Once in production, when I preview a page the navigation is fine but if I click on a rx link the page that open does not have any navigation in it.

Here is the message that I have in the console.log file :

WARN  [PSNavSlotContentFinder] Problem finding the navon - probably previewing a managed nav slot outside of a site. Caught exception: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: guids may not be null or empty

In DEV, it work fine and I don’t have this message when browsing in preview mode.

Can someone help me on this,



Sounds like you are losing the Site ID. Check the URL that you are clicking on. Does it contain a sys_siteid parameter?

Yes I have the site id as parameter.
Here is an example of an url that does not have the navigation



On the same issue, I notice that the error come from the parameter sys_authtype=0 in the URL. If I change that for sys_itemfilter=preview or sys_authtype=1, the navigation showup.
I still don’t know how to fix it but maybe someone have a better idea with this said.



Did you ever resolve this issue?
We are having the same exact problem?
Items worked just fine on dev.

Any info would be helpful.

Thanks in advance,

Same issue here from DEV to QA. Has anyone found a resolution?

I found this thread right after I posted this and followed the instructions and it solved my navigation problem. Maybe it will solve yours too.

Excerpt of what I did to solve the issue.

“The solution for us was that WB, Assembly Design > Item Filters > unpublish the “Associated Authorization Type” field should be blank.”