Problem using tmx file to translate strings on Velocity template

Has anyone used tmx file to translate strings on a Rhythmyx velocity template?
I have been following Internationalizing_and_Localizing_Rhythmyx_Version_6_7.pdf to try to translate strings on a velocity template with tmx file, but so far it hasn’t been successful.
The prototype I’ve been doing is to make sure my template can find the translation string coded in tmx file. The steps I’ve done are:

  • Added a entry to tobetranslated.tmx on /local/apps/cms60dev/rxlt/,

<tu tuid=“velocity.mwSeminarEmail_HTMLEmail@Greetings!”>
<prop type=“sectionname” xml:lang=“en-us”>XSL Stylesheets</prop>
<note xml:lang=“en-us”>Greetings Test</note>
<tuv xml:lang=“de-de”>
<tuv xml:lang=“en-us”>
<seg>Greetings in English!</seg>
… …

  • Ran RhythmyxLanguageTool.bin to merge it to the master tmx file, and reloaded i18nresources,
  • In my template mwSeminarEmail_HTMLEmail, I added $locale = $sys.item.getProperty(“sys_lang”), as described in the pdf doc.
  • In this template, it has a hard coded string “Greeting!”, and I’m hoping it’ll change into “Greetings in English!” when I preview it, but it didn’t happen.

Any help is appreciated.

Useful information can be found in

I’m posting this for the benefit of others reading the forum. Laura sits 10 feet from me, so I’ll fill her in when I see her.

The code documented in that post works! I especially like reload cache on rxroot/Rhythmyx/admin/console.jsp so that no server restart is needed.
I just hope Percussion document these steps in their pdf docs.