Problem while generating a publishing location for variant null and contentid null

We suspect these exceptions simply slow down the publishing. However, I am not sure whether it comes from $rx.location.generate, location schemes, or old sys_casGeneratePubLocation in XSL mappers…

We are on 6.5.2.

What’s the solution, or what’s a good way to track it down?

2011-02-03 17:47:13,488 ERROR [PSGeneratePubLocation] Problem while generating a publishing location for variant null and contentid null A required parameter ‘sys_variantid’ is missing.
at com.percussion.extension.PSExtensionParams.o00000(Unknown Source)
at com.percussion.extension.PSExtensionParams.getNumberParam(Unknown Source)
at com.percussion.cas.PSGeneratePubLocation.processUdf(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source)

I see this a lot on my 6.5.2 servers as well - especially during startup. I am fairly sure mine stem from outdated content lists that reference deleted content types or deleted variants or templates. If your generated files look fine and are working properly, the only slowdown this is causing if writing to the log file.

I see this when I preview templates too! One would think by comparing different templates and content, it should be easy to figure out the root cause, but I haven’t had much luck. I can use some hints…

Well… “Udf” usually refers to legacy “User Defined Functions” so I’d look at the old “sys_casGeneratePubLocation” stuff in mappers first.