Problem with custom view in Content Explorer

We are on RX 6.5 and I am creating a custom view for content that have no parent folder. I can preview the view fine using the custom view URL, i.e. sys_cxViews/viewname.xml. I can also see the view in Content Explorer, but the results are limited to 98 content items. When I preview the view using the custom view URL, I see about 1500 items. What is limiting the results set to 98 items?




Community and Workflow access are two possibilities. Even if your View query resource doesn’t evaluate for this access, Content Explorer will still apply the correct filters so the user only sees Content Items in their current Community, and only Content Items whose current Workflow State grants them at least Read access.


Hi Robert

Are custom views limited to 100 rows in the content explorer? There doesn’t seem a way to show unlimited like with a system view. I’ve even removed the paging resources from the XML application that returns the view results.



The results for a Custom View are controlled by the query application, so the max rows returned is not valid.

Based on what you’ve said, I’m assuming that your query resource is only returning 100 results, rather than a larger set you are expecting. Another place to check is your SQL query, which could be limiting the results returned.


Query to bring back items for the users community in your custom view

If you are implementing a MANUAL SQL

contentstatus cs
cs.objecttype = 1
and cs.contentcreatedby = ‘:“PSXUserContext/User/Name”’

The attached Image show’s how to do it, when the selection criteria is
“Use WHERE Table”