Problem with MacOSX Mavericks

Hello all

Is anyone using CM System 7.3.0 Build 201306P01 (3232) [B-01383] with OSX 10.9.1 (Mavericks)/Java 7v51/Firefox 26.0

I can log into the CMS but when I select anything in the content editor it takes an age to select and open and then if I click on any Ephox field to edit it doesn’t load, I get the a spinning wheel and then just a blank grey box, although win I’m looking at it in preview I can see the content.

Is anyone else using Mavericks with CM System successfully? This is turning into a major problem for me.

Contact Tech Support. They will probably want you to turn on logging and send the log to ephox. We have had this problem for several weeks and it was not only in Mavericks. We also had this problem on Windows 7, 8 machines as well… but we could never track down the exact problem. Our ticket is TAR8510. We requested that a new ephox version be included in a future patch because the editlive demo works while the version in Rhythymx doesn’t.

The solution that we found (but note above phrase, we could never track down the exact problem) was to edit the java.policy file and specifically allow read/write access to the ephox tmp directory (Perhaps someone with more knowledge of Java could explain why the solution works, when even allowing the applet with regular java settings did not).

Eg. replace [username] with username of mac user in step 3.

  1. As an administrator open /Library/Java/Home/lib/security/java.policy
  2. Find the very last line (under the grant section) which should be “};”
  3. Add this line right before it
    permission “/Users/[username]/Library/Caches/Ephox/cache/*”, “read, write”;
  4. Save the file and try accessing ephox again.

Definitely open support cases as these issues come up. It helps us to track the issues to common causes.

Here is what we have from Ephox on this issue, because the problem is sporadic it is difficult to pinpoint. If we have a debug log from an end user that is hitting the problem we can pass that information back to Ephox for further review.

I suspect the issue was tied to someone upgrading their JRE to u51 from an earlier release. In some situations we have seen EditLive no longer be able to access prior cached files after the update.

In those cases we tell people to empty the Ephox cache after which things seem to return to normal. A debug log would have told us more regarding the sequence of events around the error you provided.


[QUOTE=jitendra;21135]Contact Tech Support. They will probably want you to turn on logging and send the log to ephox. We have had this problem for several weeks and it was not only in Mavericks. We also had this problem on Windows 7, 8 machines as well… but we could never track down the exact problem. Our ticket is TAR8510. We requested that a new ephox version be included in a future patch because the editlive demo works while the version in Rhythymx doesn’t.

The solution that we found (but note above phrase, we could never track down the exact problem) was to edit the java.policy file and specifically allow read/write access to the ephox tmp directory (Perhaps someone with more knowledge of Java could explain why the solution works, when even allowing the applet with regular java settings did not).

Eg. replace [username] with username of mac user in step 3.

  1. As an administrator open /Library/Java/Home/lib/security/java.policy
  2. Find the very last line (under the grant section) which should be “};”
  3. Add this line right before it
    permission “/Users/[username]/Library/Caches/Ephox/cache/*”, “read, write”;
  4. Save the file and try accessing ephox again.[/QUOTE]