Problem with spaces in sys_title:Managed Nav and Folder Names


We are having a problem with the system_title with regard to folder names and navigation.

We created a folder called ‘Executive Bios’. This shows up in our top nav menu as ‘Executive Bios’ as it should… but will it create a folder on the file system called ‘Executive Bios’?

Question: How do you disallow spaces in folder names but allow it when the navigation is being generated?

What about having a regular expression validation on sys_title so underscores are permitted and then using velocity to replace the underscores with spaces while generating the nav titles? Has anyone done anything similiar?

Here is the code for generating our top nav:
#set($toplevel = $nav.root.getNodes(“nav:submenu”))

#foreach($navon in $toplevel)
#set($title = $navon.getProperty(“rx:displaytitle”).String.toUpperCase())
#set($landing_page = $navon.getProperty(“nav:url”).String)
#set($axis = $navon.getProperty(“nav:axis”).String)

a class="$axis" href="${landing_page}">$title


Set the sys_pubFilename attribute in the folder properties to be the name without underscores. Everything will work properly.

I figured it out.

First put a validation rule on sys_title to not allow any spaces.

Then when a new folder is create a navon will automatically be created. Manually edit the Navon and change the title field to have spaces.

Just saw this after submitting my last post. This makes sense also.