Problems using $rx.db.get()

Here is what I am trying to do

$locale = $sys.item.getProperty(‘rx:sys_lang’).String
$sqlResult = $rx.db.get(“RhythmyxData”, “Select LOCALEID from RXLOCALE where LANGUAGESTRING=”+$locale);
$sqlFirstRow = $sqlResult.get(0)
$row.LocaleId = $sqlFirstRow.get(‘LOCALEID’)

I get the following error while assembly

Unexpected exception while assembling one or more items: Problem when evaluating expression “$rx.db.get(“RhythmyxData”, “Select LOCALEID from RXLOCALE where LANGUAGESTRING=”+$locale);” for variable “$sqlResult”: Invalid column name ‘en’.

Why does it return just ‘en’ and not ‘en-us’?


Nevermind, I figured it out. It was the sql error which I fixed by adding quotes to the locale. But I have a related question. Is there a way to access the DisplayText of the sys_lang dropdown field on each content item?

$locale = $sys.item.getProperty(‘rx:sys_lang’).String gets the value field but I want to access the DisplayText(PSXDisplayText) field of the dropdown in template bindings. How can I get it for the selected value in the dropdown?
