Product Defects Thread

How often are new items added to the Product Defects / Known Defects thread ( )? Things like but RX-15940 (modifying a system search via workbench causes the search to be deleted from the database) should be listed there.

It looks like there are posts to that forum in the wee hours each morning, but is it really up-to-date?

A team at Percussion meets twice per week to review product issues.

The Product Defects forums are a set of RSS feeds from our bug system. The feed is updated in the early hours (Eastern US time) every morning.

Would y’all consider altering how you create those entries in the Product Defects / Known Defects forum. As an example, “[RX-14594] web.xml validation problems” is listed 155 times.

Looks like there’s an error some where. We will have to look into it.