Production on virtual server?

We’re doing some resources planning here and I was wondering if it’s possible to deploy Rhythmyx production server (6.5.2) to a VMWare virtual unit. Also, while we are at it, any drawbacks to virtualize backend SQL Server 2005?

We’re also investigating virtual server environments. I think Harvard Law is using some kind of virtualization for their Rhythmyx installs.

Percussionistas: what’s the official word? I’d hope that running Rhythmyx on a virtual server doesn’t invalidate the support contract.

The user forum is not a place where we issue “official rulings” on anything: if you want to know what to know Tech Support’s policies, you have to ask them.

There’s been some concern here that it was possible to assign inadequate resources to your virtual server.

If you avoid this, you should not have any practical problems with virtual servers: we run them here routinely in testing, and I believe there are a few customers with virtual environments.
