Progress on ideas logged on this forum?


It has been a while since anyone from Percussion has posted on this “Ideas and Feature Discussion” forum. Are any of the ideas listed here going to make it into versions 6.6 or 7?



We read each and every one of these.

Many of the ideas here have already gone into 6.6.

I’ll try to list some of them when that becomes available.

I posted a stats thread here earlier that shows about how many ideas typically make it into the product.

I’ll update that too as 6.6 comes out in Q1 2009.

Thank you for the response. It is good to know that the ideas we have submitted are being considered and may be in 6.6.

However, some features are so important for us (e.g. Site field in Search Query interface) that we’d attempt to hack our own solutions if we knew they weren’t going to be resolved in 6.6. For that reason, it would be good to get a list before the release, even if it could only be regarded as a provisional list.



I’m working on that.

We have an overview now, but it’s more general and there are many “misc enhancements” that didn’t get checked off in that, since they didn’t fit one of the larger feature buckets. These “misc” features are often the most important to customers.

Speaking of really important features… any word on SSL support to protect just the login page.

Would it be possible to create a standalone user login web application that could easily take a SSL cert and talk to the main Rhythmyx web app to pass credentials and initiate a web session.

The bug that prevented forcing SSL connections for just the login page has been fixed in a recent 6.5.2 patch. Contact Technical Support for details. BTW, we now post each patch and the fixes it contains in the technical discussions forum, so you should review those periodically if you are interested in particular fixes.


Any chance of an update on whether any of the following user-submitted ideas have been addressed in 6.6…?
[li]Adding help to edit forms 13 votes + 5 more
[/li][li]Smart Publish 16 votes
[/li][li]Site field in Search Query interface 9 votes
[/li][li]Restricting content types by folder 8 votes
[/li][li]Better notifications system 8 votes
[/li][li]Subfolders in Workbench 8 votes
[/li][li]Customisable error messages 6 votes
[/li][li]Allow workflow role to transition but not edit content items in a state 6 votes
[/li][li]Switch to community of item context menu option 6 votes
[/li][li]Impersonate feature 6 votes
[/li][li]Refresh folder view in Content Explorer 6 votes
[/li][li]Improve speed and complexity of MSM 6 votes
[/li][li]Image thumbnail view in content explorer 6 votes
[/li][li]Change Community/Workflow in Content Explorer 6 votes
[/li][li]Bulk database importer 5 votes
[/li][li]Make FastForward less integral to Rhythmyx 5 votes
[/li][li]Content Editor improvements 5 votes
[/li][li]Use label tags in Content Editor for radio buttons and checkboxes 5 votes
[/li][li]Easier maintenance of allowed content lists in slots 5 votes
[/li][li]Content export feature 5 votes
[/li][li]Do not break pages when autoslot has a problem with JSR query 5 votes
[/li][li]Another menu action for creating folders without navons 5 votes
[/li][li]Community drop-down on login page 5 votes
Those are the ideas relating to the actual Rhythmyx system itself (not documentation or these forums) with 5 votes or more in favour. Obviously other ideas not submitted via these forums are not included (as it appears this idea was never implemented.)



I’ll be posting an update on this, and also covering this in the 6.6 customer preview webinar that we have coming up (dates not public yet, as launch is official in a few days).

6.6 has been launched and a couple of weeks have passed. Do you have an ETA on the update on these ideas?

Thank you,


[QUOTE=Andrew Morrison;6790]6.6 has been launched and a couple of weeks have passed. Do you have an ETA on the update on these ideas?

Thank you,


Should be late this week or early next. We’re working on a data sheet as well. Also remember there are many additional ideas submitted to

Ok, another update on this topic. I’ve got a much more thorough list of all the 6.6 features pulled together. I’ve been swamped with marketing activities for the launch (analyst briefings, web projects, presentations, travel, etc.) so it’s just now that I can start to go through them against the ideas requests history.

Look for updates here in a few more days.

Any progress on the progress of the progress report? It has been seven weeks now, by my reckoning, since 6.6 was launched.

I hate to nag. But I am posting this to kill some time before a meeting with my new bosses since an internal reorganisation. Knowing whether the new version of the software we use solves any of our issues with the current version would be useful.



Sorry for the delay in tackling this request. We’ve got a somewhat unusual cycle wherein another release code named “barracuda” is not far away right after 6.6 came out (in part because we added some requests to 6.6 which pushed it out, but in part because we wanted to address a huge set of “administrative” and implemetnation requests which is what barracuda is about simplifying).

First, I have posted a more detailed list of 6.6 features here:

Second, the ideas list requested specifically below will be addressed.

Last, I will follow with another post in the Stats thread on the cumulative rates for all ideas to date. We get 70-100 ideas per year combined.

To set some context for the list below, for point releases like 6.6, we typically focus on certain areas of scope and implement changes only in those areas.

For 6.6 the scope areas were:
1. Publishing - the system and administration of publishing is top of all requests at about 20%
2. “Business User” UI* (Active Assembly) - usability is at or near publishing, specifically for “business users” also about 20%
3. Search - the timing of this was accelerated due to the Convera acquisition, but we also see a increasing opportunity here to impact usability and needed to get this in now.

*Note: The applet and CE forms part of the UI were out of scope for 6.6 usability changes because we have more comprehensive plans for these areas of the UI coming later. We started with Active Assembly (not the Applet or CE forms) because this AJAX style “contextual” model for users is the right base from which to improve ALL types of editing, whether “form based” or “wysiwyg” down the road.

The following addresses the list of forum ideas originally summarized in this thread by Andrew Morrison:

Addressed in some way in 6.6.
[li]Smart Publish 16 votes Note: Many of the concepts were implemented here, including more site centric setup, unpublish, tasks, and automation. The ease of configuration is something we are adding in the “barracuda” release. (more below)
[/li][li]Better notifications system 8 votes
[/li][li]Customisable error messages 6 vote
[/li]Note: These were addressed relative to Publishing notifications only, not workflow.

Partially addressed prior to 6.6, and also more work coming:
[li]Bulk database importer 5 votes
[/li][li]Content export feature 5 votes
Note: We have an RSS based “Feed Importer” now as part of Community Marketing that can be adopted to import content from any Feed, as well as the native Web Services API. We are looking into a separate “deployment” solution for moving content and folders between CM Servers (to both replace and extend the limited abilities that MSM has for that function).

To be addressed with the “barracuda” release and related packages (1H 2009)
[li]Image thumbnail view in content explorer 6 votes
[/li][li]Improve speed and complexity of MSM 6 votes
[/li][li]Make FastForward less integral to Rhythmyx 5 votes
[/li][li]Easier maintenance of allowed content lists in slots 5 votes
[/li][li]Another menu action for creating folders without navons 5 votes

A Future usability release is planned (after Barracuda release) to focus on these areas of scope. These are all top priority for that release:

Applet or CE changes
[li]Adding help to edit forms 13 votes + 5 more
[/li][li]Restricting content types by folder 8 votes
[/li][li]Refresh folder view in Content Explorer 6 votes
[/li][li]Content Editor improvements 5 votes
[/li][li]Use label tags in Content Editor for radio buttons and checkboxes 5 votes

Workflow, Communities and Security/Permissions
[li]Allow workflow role to transition but not edit content items in a state 6 votes
[/li][li]Switch to community of item context menu option 6 votes
[/li][li]Impersonate feature 6 votes
[/li][li]Change Community/Workflow in Content Explorer 6 votes
[/li][li]Community drop-down on login page 5 votes

Still investigating (some may be possible with changes coming in barracuda, or already addressed)
[li]Site field in Search Query interface 9 votes
[/li][li]Do not break pages when autoslot has a problem with JSR query 5 votes
[/li][li]Subfolders in Workbench 8 votes

Is 6.6.1 the same thing as “Barracuda”?


No. Version 6.6.1 has already been released.

Barracuda is the release we are currently working on.