Provide a way to lock other designers from modifying other sites that they should not be allowed to modify

How to lock other users/designers from modifying other sites

Hi Rami,

In order to best answer your question I need to ask a clarifying question. Are you looking to restrict users from access to modifying the content on the pages, or are you looking to restrict Admins from template level changes? As much insight you can give me into exactly what you’re trying to do, the better.



Hi Ben,

You are going to be managing 5-10 different websites. Those sites will be handled by different team and therefore; I am looking to restrict other users from totally accessing other sites in the finder. For example; I have a website called and I don’t wish any other designers to access it or see that it exists under finder

please advise

Hi Rami,

It’s as I thought. You are actually not the first to request this kind of a feature.

Modify Folder Permissions

As you can see it is an idea that’s already under consideration, which bodes well for future permissions.

As of now you can only prevent users from accessing certain content on different sites, but to hide it completely is not something that has been implemented yet.

Thanks Ben,

How about hiding specific pages from certain users or LDAP users and show it to others?

Hi Rami,

You can restrict them from editing the content, but in terms of hiding it from view, you can’t do that.

So they can see it, but can’t touch it.

