
I’m looking at the size of my database and we have 2 tables that are taking a lot of place : PSLOG and PSLOGDAT (¾ of total size of the DataBase).

What is the use of those tables ?
Can we delete a part of the data in it ?



These tables hold the “Event Log” data for the Rhythmyx Server. You can safely purge all or part of them at any time. In fact, I recommend you do this on a regular basis. You can minimize the amount of data by checking the settings in the Rhythmyx Admin Client under the “logging” tab…


You should enable the ‘Auto Delete’ feature. It prunes the log daily. This can be found in the Server Admin client, on the Logging->Settings tab at the bottom.

Thanks for your help. we already set the Auto Delete to 1 day but it does not seem to work. We will trigger the table in Oracle to truncate it every night.



Are there any recommended settings for these tables? Also, is there any documentation regarding pslog and pslogdat (I’ve looked through the PDFs but haven’t found anything to speak of)? What is the difference between “Detailed user activity” and “Full user activity” in the settings? Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks!

We have found that running any kind of logging slows up Rhythmyx massively. It generates collosal numbers of database transactions per minute.


Thanks, that’s what we are seeing too. I want to point out that I have read how the various “user activity” types are defined in the help file but was wondering if there was more information available somewhere. I did try unchecking all "Keep log of " items and it seems that data is still logged to the PSLOG and PSLOGDAT tables. It’s possible I need to wait a little longer to see if all logging stops. Anyway, any info would be appreciated. Thanks!