
I’m in 6.7.

The PSmodifyRelatedContent class used by the sys_casModifyRelatedContent exit can be invoked by calling a query resource with html parameters corresponding to the action you want to take on related content.

But it doesn’t seem to take a sys_command to insert a slot item. Modify, moveup, movedown and delete all seem to work fine (as in the active assembly table editor) but according to the seemingly inaccurate javadoc I should be able to do an insertSlotItems sys_command. However, when I try I just get “Unsupported ‘sys_command’: insertSlotItems”. I’ve also tried just “insert” and every other combination I can think of.

For example the URL I’ve constructed, which I’m building in one query resource and redirecting to, is of the form: updaterelateditems.html?sys_contentid=27543&sortrank=0&revision=1&slotid=510&config=1&conidvarid=27544;2123&sysid=263888&sys_command=insertSlotItems which I think should attempt to insert content id 27544 with variantid 2123 into slot 510 of content item 27543 using relationship id 263888. Is that correct, anyone???

Help and advice appreciated!

Don’t worry, I got it working.

I now have a new right-click menu item “set as landing page” and an application which adds a new relationship if there isn’t one there or deletes the existing relationship and adds in the new landing page.

The previous method I used didn’t work, this is perfect… :slight_smile: