PSO Batch Importer crashes Convera FTS

We’re using the PSO Batch Importer to import thousands of items. As a test case, we used it to import only 8 items. This consistently crashes the Convera FTS. See console.log excerpt below. I didn’t file this with TS because it’s a PSO “product.” What’s the support model for PSO code?

Anyone have an idea of what we can do to alleviate the problem?

So far, our only resolution is to to do the import, then completely re-index the content types being used for the import. I’m just not looking forward to several hours of re-indexing.

2009-04-16 12:13:13,754 ERROR [PSSearchEngineImpl] Search server in inconsistent state: engine running=false, running status=Running. Attempting to resynchronize.
2009-04-16 12:13:13,754 INFO  [Search] Starting search engine process
2009-04-16 12:13:24,466 INFO  [PSServerLogHandler] appid: 0 type: 1 time: Thu Apr 16 12:13:24 EDT 2009 msg: An internal error (end-condition) was encountered. An unexpected exception occurred:
An unexpected exception occurred. The reason was: A program run as a process did not return a success error code. The error code was '-no exit code available-'. The console output: -- No output --. Please consult the log for further information..
The call-stack was: A program run as a process did not return a success error code. The error code was '-no exit code available-'. The console output: -- No output --
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2009-04-16 12:13:24,466 ERROR [FTSIndexQueue] An unexpected exception occurred. 
The reason was: A program run as a process did not return a success error code. 
The error code was '-no exit code available-'. The console output: -- No output --. Please consult the log for further information.


When you re-index, does the search engine process the content correctly? Are there any errors during the indexing, and do you see the expected results when you search?

One thing to check is whether the items in question have valid values for all required fields (this includes checking if the values are in the choice list for the fields in question).


Also check for error logs in [rxroot]/sys_search/rware/rx/logs. One of these might give an indication of why it is failing.