PSO Toolkit: PSOReverseSlotContentFinder

We are using the PSOReverseSlotContentFinder to automatically populate a slot on a page template - the logic is to pull in the latest 15 related items.

We have noticed that the page does not get re-published automatically when a new item is associated to the page.

I am guessing this is the expected behaviour? And I can understand since its a reverse slot the sysTouchParentItems effect is not running, but I was hoping it would…

Can anyone confirm this?

I do not want to set the page template to publish ‘always’ as that would be over kill.

Any thoughts / workarounds would be much apprecaited.

Cheers Diane

I’ve been wondering about this myself lately… well… something similar, anyway.

I’m tossing around an idea to touch the related items during publishing phase. That way, the related items would be republished either later in the same publishing cycle, or during the next cycle.

I was thinking of something like: $

Of course, there’s the possibility that the node implementation that percussion provides doesn’t actually allow saving, in which case, i’d have to make a database call instead… not too terribly difficult, tho… something like:

$rx.db.get("",“update content_status set last_modified_date = now() where contentid = 0$!{related_item_node.getProperty(‘rx:sys_contentid’).String}”)

Now I haven’t double-checked any of this for errors, or even tried any of it, so don’t expect it to work without a bit of tweaking. And let me know what you find.