PSOThumbnailGenerator not populating height and width values

The PSOThumbnailGenerator works and it does create thumbnail images, but it does not populate the height and width fields for the thumbnail fields. Hence rx:thumb1_height and rx:thumb1_width are empty. The rx:thumb1_size does get populated but that is of no use. That value seems to have no relation to the Thumbnail_width value i set as parameter. The original image height and width fields are populated correctly (img1_width and img1_height).

Can someone help why the height and width fields are empty ? I need to use those values while publishing all the thumbnail images.

The Toolkit is one of our Open and ‘as is’ projects.

Here is the source file for this: Thumbnail Source

If there is a bug I am sure it can be fixed. Be great to see suggestions from our consulting community on this.


It is the sys_ImageInfo(sp?). Extension that populates image heights and widths, this extension is passed a list if binary fields to process. The other fields like size are added from a sys_FileInfo extension that is automatically added from the binary contol itself ( you will not see this in the same location, it is hidden under the binary control dialogue under dependencies) , but you need to add the extra sys_ImageInfo extension, or add the thumbnail field to the list if it already exists.