PSOToolkit (88) causes sys_TextExtraction to fail


I have been implementing a velocity upgrade on a customer site so beforehand patched it to the latest version (RX-14603) together with version 88 of the PSOToolkit.

After adding the sys_TextExtraction input transformer to my document content type I tested the process but go the attached error whenever I tried to save.

After uninstalling RX-14603 I still got the errors but after removing the PSOToolkit-6.5.jar from the Rhythmyx\AppServer\server\rx\deploy\rxapp.ear\rxapp.war\WEB-INF\lib folder it now works.

Has anyone else experienced this?


This error does not happen with version 61 of the PSOToolkit.



I’ve never seen this before. There’s a fairly large amount of difference between build 61 and build 88. Any clues as to what toolkit functions your content type is using?

The error itself happens deep within the Modify handler (not within the toolkit itself) which leads me to suspect something invalid in the item structure. Do you have an other input transforms or pre-exits? Send me the objectstore XML (in an email) and I’ll take a look at it.
