Publish a list of pub locations at the end of an edition?

I would like to publish a list of pub locations at the end of an edition (to be sent to a script for akamai refresh). The pub locations belong to those items that were just published in the same edition.

Any suggestion?

Add a pre-exit on the pub status URL. This is an “update” resource, and it receives an XML document from the Publisher. The XML document lists all of the items that were published in that content list.

Can you elaborate a bit? Which pre-exit?

Is pub status URL
http://host:9992/Rhythmyx/sys_pubHandler/publisher.htm?editionid=[edition id]&PUBAction=status”?



The pub status url is the value of the “statusurl” parameter to the publisher. By default, this is /Rhythmyx/sys_pubSupport/pubstatus.xml

Of course, to be safe, you should make a copy of the resource (in the workbench) and paste it into a new XML application (e.g. rx_pubSupport).

The pre-exit will look at the XML input document, which will contain all of the pub status info (look at the mapper of the pubstatus.xml resource for details).

You’ll have to write the pre-exit yourself. I’m sure you haven’t forgotten how to do that, have you?


Is this “pre-exit” solution forward compatible with Rx 6.6?

Not directly. In 6.6, you will have post-edition tasks, which can be used to build the list of published items.

In this post edition task, is the same XML document available?

At the point the post edition task runs, the rows have already been inserted in RXSITEITEMS and RXPUBDOCS. You’ll have the job id, which will enable you to search these tables for the rows inserted by that publishing job.

Of course, we haven’t done this yet (6.6 is not yet released), but I expect that the 2 efforts will be different. If you plan on going to 6.6 soon after release, I’d recommend holding off on building the XML pre-exit. If it’s going to be a while before you upgrade, then perhaps you need to look at the XML approach.


Is it possible to somehow pass the publication ID to the assembly URL during publishing?
I can then create a dedicated content list to publish a single item where the item’s template will query the rxpubstatus table and leverage Velocity to format the output.
