Publish binary files generated a ref filename


I was trying to publish the images however they all seem to be generated to a filename called ref with an contentid number, so it looks like ref778. I checked the binary snippet and defined the context for the images CT but it doesn’t seem to work. The generic pages are publishing ok. Please advise.



Just notes after the publishing it generates a list of files under the root directory with the file name starting of ref and then the numbers (not content ids). If I republish again, it generate another set of files with the next new numbers.

I have tried to open some of the files, it seems they are the files that it needs to be publishing out. Because they are no extentions, so the only way i can see what the files are then I had to guess to use different application.

Is it happen to anyone before?




Have you set up location schemes for each of your binary templates? It seems to me like this may be the source of your problem. See “Defining Contexts and Location Schemes” in the Rhythmyx Implementation Guide for more information on this.


Hi Cara,

Yes, I have setup all the binary CT in the location scheme, which defined to use specific template to publish in the specific location. However, they still generated in the root directory.

I had a look at the job log under Publishing Runtime. Last job it was published 16 items. Two items published in the right file folder location, which is fine. The rest of the 14 items are published in the root directory, which are the ref files (e.g. ref882). I can tell under the column Location/Site Folder, the Location row is blank.

The funny thing is one of the published item is generic item, which using the despatched template. Why the non selected templates are still publishing out in the queue? And they all generated the ref files in the root directory?

Is that happen to anyone before?




Could you post the JEXL expression you are using for the binary Content Types?

Also, the Location Scheme page allows you to test the Location Scheme on a selected Content Item. What result do you get when you test the Location Scheme on one of the Content Items that concern you? (In the Rhythmyx Implementation Guide (Version 6.6 link), see “Creating the Publish Context and its Generic Location Scheme”, specifically Step 8 on pp. 322-23. Note that this capability is only available for Version 6.6 and later.)



My JEXL Expression is

$sys.pub_path + $sys.template.prefix + ‘item’ + $sys.item.getProperty(‘rx:sys_contentid’).String + $rx.location.getFirstDefined($sys.item,‘rx:img1_ext,rx:sys_suffix’, ‘.gif’)

I have selected the image item from the test panel and click on the evaluate JEXL Expression button. In the result showing where the image folder path is with the image name and extention. Status is Success.

I have defined this location scheme in both Publish & Site_Folder_Assembly Context
