Publish Completed with the same error on some pages

Hello, I just attempted a full publish for the first time and received this error on many pages including my index page:

Error for metadataEndpoint: perc-metadata-services/indexer/entry, Item: 14,727,442,858,537, jobId: 419, location: /www.neep.orgapps/ROOT/index, contentType: text/html;charset=UTF-8, length: 25,909 caused by unknown error: Authentication error. Check user and password for this delivery server: HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized

How should I fix this?

Hi Carrie,

That usually indicates that CM1 has stored the incorrect password for the “ps_manager” user which CM1 uses to connect to your DTS Tomcat. I see you have a support ticket open for this issue – I will reach out to you through that to further guide you on how to correct this issue.

This issue was resolved by resetting the Tomcat user’s password, as outlined in this doc: