publish edition - terminated abnormally - how to troubleshoot

We are getting a “terminated abnormally” error when publishing some editions. The log file does not give information about where or what file it terminated on. All files included in the publishing log have an elapsed time > 0, and status of each is “cancelled”.

Any idea how to troubleshoot what file has caused the termination? Yes, we have a ticket in, but need to get this solved sooner than … later.

Thanks for any ideas.

Are any items included with the edition published successfully?

If you look in the Rhythmyx/AppServer/server/rx/log/server.log file, check for errors related to Location scheme. I have seen this happen recently when there is an error in a scheme that causes a large number of items to fail. Usually the content id is included in the stack trace in the log. You can pull it up in content explorer with a search, and then Publish Now the individual item to try to narrow down the error.

Also, what is the ticket #? I can look it up.


[QUOTE=picaza;20671]We are getting a “terminated abnormally” error when publishing some editions. The log file does not give information about where or what file it terminated on. All files included in the publishing log have an elapsed time > 0, and status of each is “cancelled”.

Any idea how to troubleshoot what file has caused the termination? Yes, we have a ticket in, but need to get this solved sooner than … later.

Thanks for any ideas.[/QUOTE]

Ticket TAR7570

THanks, I’ll try to get to the server.log file.

[QUOTE=natechadwick;20672]Are any items included with the edition published successfully?

If you look in the Rhythmyx/AppServer/server/rx/log/server.log file, check for errors related to Location scheme. I have seen this happen recently when there is an error in a scheme that causes a large number of items to fail. Usually the content id is included in the stack trace in the log. You can pull it up in content explorer with a search, and then Publish Now the individual item to try to narrow down the error.

Also, what is the ticket #? I can look it up.


Quick update. The errors in the log were that an item or folder did not exist in a Folder of the Site being published and were also errors on items not existing in a folder.

It turned out that the JCR query for the content lists in the edition was using a

WHERE jcr:path LIKE '//Sites/MySite%'

to select content. In the site list there were 2 sites that started with the prefix MySite. MySite and MySite-Two, so the system was picking up content from both locations and treating all the content from the second site as being invalid cross site links, because these errors were happening during location scheme generation, the content list failed to fully build, and the system was cancelling the edition.

The fix was to fix the JCR query to be explicit by putting the wild card after the slash in each JCR based content list for My Site:

WHERE jcr:path LIKE '//Sites/MySite/%'

One thing to note that is different in 7.2, the Publisher has been enhanced so that Content List generation, and Page Assembly happen in parallel, so as soon as an item is picked up by a content list, is passed off to the publisher for assembly. This means that the system doesn’t build the entire content list before it starts working on content, improving publishing performance. In 6.7, the content list would be run in full before actual assembly began, potentially causing 5-20 minute delays in the processing of an Edition. The impact of this is that where in 6.7, Content List generation errors that would have failed before any items were delivered, in 7.2 content list failures can now happen after page publishing has started.


[QUOTE=picaza;20673]Ticket TAR7570

THanks, I’ll try to get to the server.log file.[/QUOTE]