Publish Now Error


I get the following error while doing the ‘Publish Now’:

Problem during the publishing of one or more items
Exception Class: class java.lang.RuntimeException
Message: Either the edition Id or site Id must be specified when executing demand publishing.
Please note: More information may be available on the console

Any ideas?

Thank you,


Was there additional information on the server console as referenced in the error message? You might also check console.log and server.log for errors.



This error is fixed. The problem was, sys_editionid needed to be added in the command tab of ‘Publish_Now’ menu entry in Rhythmyx workbench. But I have another set of problem now:

I created a content item and added a related item to it also. Both the items are in ‘Public’ stages. I did a demand publish by clicking on ‘Publish Now’ so I expect the parent content as well as the related content item to get published and become available in the website. I do not see that happening. There was no DB metadata created which I understand is because of the fact that the ‘delivery type’ for the ‘publish_now’ edition is ‘filesystem’. I manually ran the indexing also yet I do not see the content in the website. There are no errors while doing the ‘Publish Now’.

I have attached the screen shots of how my ‘Publish Now’ edition and content list look respectively.

Please help.

Thank you,

Hi Robert,

In continuation to my last post, I am attaching some additional screen shots displaying how my ‘publish now’ and ‘publish now dB’ content lists look like and also their corresponding edition. The ‘Publish Now’ is neither creating any metadata in database nor does my content item appear in the web site. I am not sure what am I doing wrong?

Please assist.


Your question is a little unclear.

If you’re saying that when you “Publish Now” on the Owner (“parent”) in the Relationship, the Dependent (“child”) is not also being published, then the system is working as designed. Demand publishing (“Publish Now”) was specifically designed only to publish the specified Content Item to minimize the load on the system and to minimize interruptions publishing other Editions.

If both Content Items are in the same Folder, you can multi-select them and use Publish Now to publish both at the same time. You might also be able to return them from a search.

If you are saying that neither is being published, then something is wrong, but this problem can probably be addressed more effectively through tech support than through the forums.


Thank you, Robert! Who shall I get in touch with for the tech support. I did send an email @ but never heard back anything. Can you please point me to someone else?

Thank you,

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