Publish Now function for individual content items

I remember hearing about “Publish This Item Now” functionality being added to RX 6.5.X whereby through the CX end-users could right-click an item and one of the menu items would be “publish now”. Then, the individual item would be published.

Has anyone implemented this? Is there any documnetation re: setting it up?

Even though you right-click on an individual content item, it publishes an entire edition - hopefully an incremental edition. Or you could make the edition publish only a new GenericVeryUrgent content type. Make a copy of the FF item “EI_Publish_Now” under UI Elements Design - Content Explorer - Menu Entries - User. On your copy, under the Command tab, change sys_editionid to the edition ID you want to publish. You’ll probably want to change permissions and visibility, to limit the Roles who can use it.

Thanks. I might need to tackle this differently. I have Media coverage items that automatically get added to an auto-index list which is in a “List slot” at the bottom of a generic page. That updated list doesn’t seem to publish (even during a full publish) unless I use nav_reset.

Does anyone else have this problem with auto-indexes? I suppose I could provide the nav_reset menu item to some end-users.

Hi Michael

Even though you right-click on an individual content item, it publishes an entire edition

This is correct but what you do is create a content list using the selecteditemgenerator then add that to the edition you want to publish. This means only the items selected either individual, multiple or folders are published.


Hi Brenda

Does anyone else have this problem with auto-indexes?

If it’s specific item you want to publish out then you can create a content list for an individual item and add it after any publish now content list.

That updated list doesn’t seem to publish (even during a full publish) unless I use nav_reset.

I not sure why this is the case. My understanding is that nav_reset rebuilds the navigation not touching all auto index items.


Thanks! If I use the selecteditemgenerator what do I need for the template expander?



You’d typically use the Site Template Expander. The List Template Expander is used primarily when publishing to a database.


Thanks, again. That works awesome!

We have implemented the Publish Now feature, and it works great, however, if one user has started an edition, and another user starts the same edition simultaneously, the second user’s publishing run does not get queued. Is there something we can do to get these editions to queue? If we run two different editions, they publish in order, just not two of the same editions.


[QUOTE=onpoint;6605]We have implemented the Publish Now feature, and it works great, however, if one user has started an edition, and another user starts the same edition simultaneously, the second user’s publishing run does not get queued. Is there something we can do to get these editions to queue? If we run two different editions, they publish in order, just not two of the same editions.


I’m not sure about queuing the same edition - I think this is asking for trouble. Through the publishing tab you can only run a single edition once at a time (i.e., you cannot ‘start it again’ whilst its running, but using “Publish Now” you’re telling RX to start an edition twice. Publish Now was created to address a need for an administrator to quickly publish a single content item outside of running a regular full/incremental edition. I would strongly warn against multiple people having access to it or trying to use the function multiple times at once (that said, I believe you can “Publish Now” a folder).

Also be aware that it will publish the item selected with no regard to related content. Ie., I create a press release and a image content item and add the image to a slot in the press release. if I publish now the press release, it will create a img… tag for the image, but the image won’t publish.

What I’m saying is understand what it does and doesn’t do, and make sure you only give access to it to suitably knowledgeable people.

Thanks for your response!

We have been using a version of Publish Now for a little while now. Our incremental runs were taking too long to get critical information up to the site, so we had PSO develop an early version of this function for us. Our users have become accustomed to it, and we thought that moving the 6.5 version of the supported Publish Now would take care of the queuing. We have an option in the action menu that allows the users to kick off the publish now edition on a content item, so they normally don’t go to the publishing tab to see if an edition is already running. Most of the time, they do not overlap publishing out items, but there is the occasion where they publish out individual items at the same time.

We were just wondering if there was anything we could change to allow this, or if this is how publishing is configured.


OK, as of 6.6 this functionality looks to have been changed (fixed)…