Publish Now Option


In the ‘Demand on Publish’ section the ‘Rhythmyx Implemenation guide’ (pages-342/343) there is a line that says “In Content Explorer, select the Content Item you want to publish, right-click, and from the popup menu, choose Publish Now”. I do not see any ‘Publish Now’ option for any of the content items in my content explorer.

How to get the ‘Publish Now’ option for a particular content item? I would like this option to be available only for the specific content items that users would like to publish immediately and need not wait for any incremental job.

Thank you


The Action Menu Item may be there, but may be hidden.

Open your Percussion Workbench and go to the UI Elements Design tab. Open Content Explorer > Menu Entries > User. Double-click on the entry to open it and go to the Visibility tab to check its visibility options. The options are configurable and differ from one implementation to the next, so I cannot predict the configurations you will see.

See also “Maintaining Menus and Menu Entries” in Customizing Active Assembly and Content Explorer Interfaces (Version 6.7 link).



Thank you for the reply! Now I see the Menu and Menu Entries in the UI design view of workbench. The document shows “communities” also as one of the options in the ‘visibility contexts’ section. The ‘publish_now’ in my workbench does not have that option. I would like to give the ‘publish now’ access to a specific community and for that I would need to add ‘communities’ in the available ‘visibility contexts’. Is there a way I can add communities there? I did not see how to do that in the document. Attaching the screen shot for reference.

Thanks a lot for all the help!


Please ignore my last post. I figured that out. Now, my questions are

  1. If ‘Publish Now’ appears as the option on right clicking any content item, then should it not be under menu rather than in menu entry?

  2. I want the ‘Publish Now’ option to be available only for a particular community and a particular content type. It does appear for the selected content type but instead of appearing in just one community it appears for all. Please refer to the attached screen shot.

  3. Is it possible that the ‘publish now’ option appears only for those items which have not been published to the site yet and not for those which have been already been published. Currently, it appears for all ‘public’ items.

Thanks in advance,

That configuration looks correct to me for the behavior you want. I’m not sure we can troubleshoot this problem effectively on the forums. You should probably contact Tech Support for assistance with it.

If I understand correctly, you’re asking whether it’s possible to configure this option so it only appears for Content Items that have never been published. If that is your question, the answer, I’m afraid, is no. We don’t detect that condition as a context for the user interface.