Publish only certain folders within a site

Is it possible to publish particular sections (sub-folders) of one site, without having to go through and publish each page individually?

For example, each section of our site has it’s own left nav… if we change something in the left nav that only affects pages in that seciton, we’d like to be able to publish all pages within that folder (including all sub-folders of it too) with one click, instead of opening each page individually. Is this possible now, or is it planned for a future release?

(currently on v2.8.0)



I’m running version 2.11 right now and I haven’t seen that option yet. It would be a nice option for down the road. Definitely something to +1.


Matt is correct – there is no way to do this currently. However, I’m going to go ahead and convert this post in an “Idea” topic type, because posts created as Ideas on this forum are monitored by CM1’s Product Management team, and I could see this being a very useful enhancement to CM1 in a future release.

This use case will be handled via an enhancement we are currently working on for “incremental publishing”.  Basically, what incremental publishing will do is republish only those pages that have been changed since the last publish. So to handle this scenario, you could modify and approve the pages in a given folder and run an incremental publish. Only those pages would be published.  

Dan, this is fantastic news!
“Pages changed since the last publish” also includes all pages that use a modified Shared Asset, correct? Even if page.asp was not modified, one of the shared assets it uses was, therefore it will be included in the incremental publish? I just want to make sure I fully understand it .

And thanks to you and your teams’ work on taking in to consideration, and working on adding to the entire platform, the regular ideas posted by users. This is great to hear.

That is correct. If a shared asset is modified, all pages using that asset will be modified.  There are a few minor exceptions but they will be documented clearly as part of the release notes.