Hi All,
I have a content item with a child table (which has one Edit Live column/field). So in theory the content item can have ‘n’ number of rows.
I’d like to publish the one content item, ‘n’ times, with only content from each of those ‘n’ rows.
Assuming the child table (called myChildTable) has two columns: myContent and myLocation.
- myContent could contain jsp code.
- myLocation could be the text ‘/my_path/index01.jsp’.
Can anyone give me some pointers on:
- Child table row specific template content
- Location Scheme
… specifically…
Location Scheme
location scheme so each row is a published page? I’m thinking something like this:
expression = $sys.pub_path +$rx.asmhelper.childValues($sys.item,‘myChildTable’, ‘myLocation’). But can’t get it working.
Child table row specific template content
Here I hit a wall! As I’m not 100% sure that one item can successfully have a page previewing with only one row of a child table field. I’m starting to think I have to publish the full jsp inlcudes out to a database, and then using the database to assemble and publish the includes into actual jsp files on the network??.
I have worked with publishing content out to a database so that aspect is fine, but if this is the only option I’d appreciate tips on getting the JSP out of the DB to files on the network!
Any tips/pointers/advice gratefully received.