Publish scheduling optimization

Hello, I have a two questions about scheduling publish jobs that I’m hoping someone can answer:

  1. If there are two incremental publishing jobs scheduled at the same time, how does Rx prioritize the jobs? If one starts before the other finishes, is there thrashing? I notice that they both show progress, so I’m assuming they are running competitively.

  2. Does an incremental publish trump a full publish?

This may help answer some questions (If you are using 6.6+) :

Thank you for the explanation. We’re using 6.7. So it sounds like FIFO, except w/ priority settings. Makes sense.

I have a follow-on question, what is the advantage of “configurable worker threads”? What would I gain by setting the configuration higher/lower?


I would imagine that with more processors / cores, you could have more threads as each core could potentially handle a certain number of threads (more threads should generally mean faster publishing). I would also imagine that there is a “sweet” spot after which adding more threads doesn’t do much. Someone with more experience could probably give you a better explanation.

I bit of warning though…people have had issues with the multi-threaded publishing (just search the forums).

I believe there was a webinar about the publishing engine:

You can run as many threads as you have processor cores. We run 12 threads on a 16 core machine (Dual quad core with HT) we have left a few cores spare for other processes. The only issue I came across was making sure that the database could keep up with the demand from all the publisher theads. The performance is great now with a full non binary publish of 12000 items in 33 minutes and incremental including binary items 11 minutes