We are using Percussion CM1 version 5.3.15
The details: Build 201608P05 (201) [5315_20170606]
Whenever we publish our site to staging it says “completed with failures” and gives the following error messages:
Error for metadataEndpoint: perc-metadata-services/indexer/entry, Item: 86,195,698,669,541, jobId: 7,410, location: /var/www/<domain_name_redacted>/index.html, contentType: text/html;charset=UTF-8, length: 18,394 caused by: Error when executing method: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Error for metadataEndpoint: perc-metadata-services/indexer/entry, Item: 23,523,535,886,851, jobId: 7,410, location: /var/www/<domain_name_redacted>/news-events/events/index.html, contentType: text/html;charset=UTF-8, length: 53,670 caused by: Error when executing method: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
I’ve redacted the domain name of my organization for privacy purposes.
There was a similar post raised on this forum back in December 2013, but a solution is not listed. It was taken offline into a separate support ticket.
Can anyone help? Or can we raise a ticket for this issue as well?
This may mean that the Staging DTS server is not configured or that the Staging DTS server is down. If you take a look at your /rxconfig/DeliveryServers/delivery-servers.xml file. There should be an entry configured for the Staging DTS server.
More information on the Staging DTS server can be found here: [https://help.percussion.com/percussion-cm1/install-setup/installing-cm1/staging-dts/index](http://Installing a Staging DTS Server)
Here is a sample delivery-servers.xml configuration file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<password encrypted="true">-7a817995ebf59950e59a1641964fdd61</password>
<password encrypted="true">-7a817995ebf59950e59a1641964fdd61</password>
<password encrypted="true">-7cd50422f40e9ee79d8bd0e3478f4621e6e9018044a2518f</password>
Thanks for the assistance, Nate. I’ll let you know if we have any further questions.