Publish to the directory you enter, not a subdirectory

It would be great to be able to set the publish directory explicitly for the production server. Right now the publish directory for our site is set as “/www/[site]/cms/”, however everything actually gets published into “/www/[site]/cms/[site].comapps/ROOT/”.

This creates a problem for us because we had an existing web site before purchasing CM1, and we continue to use pages that are outside the CMS (and will indefinitely because of .NET apps). The storage path for the existing web site is “/www/[site]/wwwroot/”. We had to create the “cms” directory outside the web root in order to get everything in the correct place. After we run a publish, we have to go in and manually move all of the files from /www/[site]/cms/[site].comapps/ROOT/ to the actual web root. Also because of this we can’t use any of the auto expiration or un-publishing features.

The way it works now is fine if you run a small site or are just starting a new site, however it is unrealistic to change the entire storage structure of a well-established web site with several hundred thousand pages to match the publishing directory of your publishing tool.

Andrew, This feature is coming in our 2.8 release which will be available to customers in early September. This feature will allow you to set an absolute folder path so that you can use existing web server “root” folder location configuration.

We are already adding the ability to specify an explicit directory to publish into for both File and FTP publishing as part of the upcoming 2.8 release!

Is there a more definitive September date yet for the 2.8 release? Going to need the added ability to set the folder path as mentioned above.

Hi Paul,

The current targeted release date is August 28th, and we will keep everyone updated should there be any changes.



Thanks all, you’ve been great through this whole process!

This feature was delivered with the release of 2.8