Publishing and showing assembly errors.


We have had a particular problem with one of our content types This problem manifested itself by showing the error on some of our prominent published web pages.
If assembly errors occur is there any way that these are not outputted to our live site? In this case it was an image that did not publish. The error as a matter of context is shown below:

‘Problem assembling output for item: 1-101-48673 with template: ietSnShowcase exception: Property rx:img5_width not found see log stack trace.’

The publishing run for the above showed no errors. Only once it reached our web space.

The reason for the above error is that one of our shared fields had dropped out of our image content type. Any ideas or possibilities from past experiences as to why this happened?

The only way an error message like this could get to the public webspace is if the primary template invoked a secondary (or even deeper) shared template which had an error.

It’s always a good idea in any shared template to check for the existance of a field before referring to it. See this thread for examples of how to do this.

I accept the good practice, but I still believe that the existence of any situation in which errors could be published to Web users is a weakness. Surely the system should thrown an error without publishing the page?