Publishing by content type

Does anyone know of any detailed documentation giving actual examples of how to set up content list generation by a single content type. I have seen general instructions but nothing specific which says ‘go into this query which is stored in this specific location and change it like this…’

Hi Jeffers,

I’m not sure I understand what it is that you’re trying to do or what general instructions you have seen already, but here is an example of a query you could use in the Content List for a single content type:

select rx:sys_contentid, rx:sys_folderid from rx:<contenttypename> where jcr:path like ‘//Sites/EnterpriseInvestments%’

Note, you would replace <contenttypename> with the name of your content type like rx:rffGeneric for example.

Is that the kind of example you are after? If not can you detail what document you have (including relevant page number) so we can gain a better undertanding of what it is you are trying to achieve. Cheers


I should have said we are on Rx 5.7 and because our full publishes are crashing with out of memory errors (we haven’t been able to do a full publish for about 6 months now) we have been advised to split our publishing up into content types. So that means a publish of all binaries then generic pages then contacts etc… etc…

The only documentation I have is ‘Implementing publishing in Rhythmyx 5.7’. Page 48 is ‘Creating a content list application’. I’m just probably very slow on the uptake but I don’t find I can create the application (we have ones set up by Percussion but I can’t see how to modify copies of them) from these instructions let alone ones that just do a full publish for a single content type.

Look at page 54 of the same doc for a hint. In the selector of the content list resource, you need to add a clause like "Backend column->CONTENTSTATUS.CONTENTTYPEID = [the numeric id of the content type of interest]

Once you get one working, you can clone the resource as many times as needed for each content type. You could also combine content types using ‘IN’ instead of ‘=’ in the where clause to reduce the number of clists.

Also, what are the memory settings on the server? Have you increased these to the max?

Thanks for the reply - yes we are set at just about optimum on the server settings. I have now received full instructions of how to change things and am running a full publish of just generic pages on our test server as we speak.

It would be nice to pass the contentype id in as aparameter to save having lots of resources (there would still be a content list per type but that’s much faster to set up).

You could do that. You still need to make N registrations of the contentlist, they would all just point to the same resource and each would include a param for the ctype id.