Publishing Content different to Preview


I have a question to do with publishing and previewing. Is it possible to put some code in a template so when a page is previewed in the editor a piece of html content is shown but when it is published that code is not published but in its place a include tag to a piece of content is published instead (see below)?

Code in preview

<div id="englandoffer">
 <a href="/coach/Destinations/wembley.cfm" target="_blank">
  <img src="/coach_ims/teasers/offical_travel_partner.gif" alt="National Express - Wembley Stadium" width="300" height="141" border="0" />

Code when published

<div id="englandoffer">
    <cfinclude template="/coach/inc/promo.cfm" /> 

Any suggestions.

I haven’t tried that myself, but one of my colleagues has.

You need to check for the context, so he used a variable “$sys.context” in the template binding, with a value of “$sys.params.sys_context(0)” (if I understand my notes correctly).

Something like this might work in your template:

<div id="englandoffer">
#if ($sys_context == "0")
 <a href="/coach/Destinations/wembley.cfm" target="_blank">
  <img src="/coach_ims/teasers/offical_travel_partner.gif" alt="National Express - Wembley Stadium" width="300" height="141" border="0" />
    <cfinclude template="/coach/inc/promo.cfm" /> 

I use:

#if ($rx.asmhelper.getSingleParamValue($sys.params, “sys_context”) == “0”)

which is a bit more verbose (and probably unnecessary).

Cheers Guys, I give this a go.