Publishing error -java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: guid may not be null or empty

Any ideas why this error is appearing in the console log when publishing:

ERROR [PSGeneratePubLocation] Problem while generating a publishing location for variant 519 and contentid 39978
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: guid may not be null or empty
at Source)
at<init>(Unknown Source)…

The page actually publishes out ok, but I’m sure I cannot ignore the error.

Did you try testing your location scheme for that content type & template from the Publishing Design tab?

I’m not sure what you mean by publishing design tab…is this on version 6.5.2.

Sorry, 6.5.2 has a Publishing tab where you can define your location scheme but I don’t think it had the feature of testing your location scheme after you defined them. Does this error occur for all items of a particular type or that specific item?

It just appears for that particular content type.

The content type had an existing XSL variant. I’ve added a new Velocity template, and created a dispatch template. The location scheme is defined for the content type / dispatch template (which is set to publish default) and the two page templates which get conditionally dispatched are set to publish never.

This error is appearing since the addition of the new templates / changes to the location scheme as the console log previously didn’t report errors for this content type when publishing. The error relates to the new velocity template variant presumably

Good to know that the issue is isolated to a single content type. Do you also still have the XSL variant associated to your content type?

Yep, the old xsl variant is still hanging around.

Have you tried restarting the content type?