Publishing error - $user.psoFolders.getParentFolderPath($sys.assembly Item)

Hi, Last Friday we noticed an issue that started to occur with our installation of Rhythmyx which is preventing some of our content from Publishing out. We run over night publishing editions and last Friday morning we checked our publishing logs from the previous night and found an unusually large amount of errors. Upon investigation we found all section landing pages were erroring and not publishing out. The error listed for these section landing page’s was:

Problem when evaluating expression “$user.psoFolders.getParentFolderPath($sys.assemblyItem);” for variable “$params.folderpath”: null

$params.folderpath is a binding set up in the template for a section landing page.

I looked in to this to see if this was the case and found and this value “$user.psoFolders.getParentFolderPath($sys.assemblyItem);” is being pulled back for all these content items when I preview them in both preview/publish context and also in debug mode, it is not “null” as the error states.

We found that this error disappeared after checking a content item out and transitioning it through the workflow back to public. Once we’d done this to the section landing pages that had originally errored we ran a publishing edition and found they published succesfully without error.

Unfortuantely today we’ve checked our publishing logs from last nights publishing run and found the error is reoccuring again on all the content items that it originally occurred on, so they’ve all failed to publish out again once more with the same error.

These publishing editions were running fine on Friday afternoon once we’d transitioned all the erroring content items back to public. Now they’ve all started to error again after we restarted the Rhythmyx service, this is done nightly before over night publishing begins. This error also only started to occur last Friday and no changes have been made which could cause this between Thursday’s publishing edition which ran find and Friday.

Has anyone out there heard of anything like this happening before? And does anyone have any idea why Rhythmyx saying Problem when evaluating expression “$user.psoFolders.getParentFolderPath($sys.assemblyItem);” for variable “$params.folderpath”: null when it clearly is getting this value when we preview the content items them in both preview/publish context and also in debug mode.

Hi, just incase this helps anyone else I found replacing $user.psoFolders.getParentFolderPath($sys.assembly Item) in the binding with $user.psoFolders.getParentFolderPath($sys.item.guid) fixed this issue (it returns exactly the same value, and doesn’t error). I still have no idea why $user.psoFolders.getParentFolderPath($sys.assembly Item) stopped working all of a sudden though.

Hi George

The getParentFolderPath method has two signatures, one which accepts the assembly item and one which accepts the guid item.

it returns exactly the same value, and doesn’t error

This is only when the content item has one folder relationship. If you start to “Copy as link” items then passing in the guid item will always return the folder path of the original item.

If you want the folder path of a “copy as link” item then you have to use the assembly item.
