Publishing just 1 content type

Can anyone give me a clue as to how in Rx 5.71 we would set up a content list that just publishes one specific content type (e.g. all variants of a generic page that are in the published state). When I look at the rx_support_pub app I can see the parameters on one of the exits on folder_clist (deliverytype, whether incremental or not, folder path etc…) but there isn’t a parameter for content type.

Any ideas?

Hi Jeff

You need to create your own content list in which you pass it the content type id. In the implementing publication docs for 5.7 there’s a section “Creating a Content List Application”.


Thanks Jimbo,

I had already read that bit of documentation before I posted and although I could see that a new app was probably the way I couldn’t honestly say that the instructions there were sufficient for me to be able to actually do what I wanted to do (it’s probably just me being stupid but I find Rhythmyx documentation long on words, short on facilitating me to actually do something unless it’s the stuff that says - to edit this click the edit button - to delete this click the cross).

