Publishing PDF files from content type - Prince XML

Hi -

We’re looking at the Prince XML product to publish .pdf files from content that is stored in Rhythmyx CMS. Today, we just publish content to .html files.

Has anyone used Prince XML integrated w/ Rhythmyx CMS?

Does anyone have any other suggestions for ways to do this type of publishing?

Thanks for any input -

The PDF spec is technically publicly available, and the compression schemes are JPEG and ZIP, also public… If you’re publishing straight text or have a fairly good understanding of document layout, then it’s possible to generate a basic PDF without any 3rd party addons… back in the day, I used to dynamically generate mailing labels in this way.

I couldn’t replicate the feat today without a lot of research, but the point it that it IS possible.

Never used Prince… can’t say anything on that score.

Thanks for the reply … I’ll need to post an update once we take a further look at Prince -