Publishing PDF items in multiple languages, need some advice on location scehemes

Hi everyone,
I’m hoping someone might have some suggestions for me. Right now on our website all our pages are published in both English and French languages. From any page within the site you can get to its opposite language by using the English/Francais button at the top. The issue we have is with PDF documents, obviously we can’t have that button on PDF documents so we’re trying to figure out a location scheme that would work and help us identify which is the english and which is the french documents using the url. So the idea is that when a user is looking at the URL of a French document they can quickly identify the URL for the English document OR at least allow staff to identify the content ID of both documents. Has anyone ever tried something like this? ANy thoughts or suggestions?


just set a conditional variable for the prefix of the published file. Base it of of rx:sys_lang system variable and apply prefix to the french “fr-filename.pdf” or path “/fr/filename.pdf”. Strip all [fr-fr] and replace it with “fr-” or something like that.
It really depends how you separate your fr and en files - use file prefix if you publish all in one bucket or use different path if you have separate folders, although this can work for both.

Sorry for the late replay on this. Thanks for the suggestion Mike. I’ll consider that when we plan our new implementation with the new design we’re working on. If you have any other suggestion, please let me know.


p.s. if I come up with a really good solution to this issue, I’ll post it here for anyone else looking.